Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Vive le France

On the heels of the French 'non' vote comes the Dutch vote, and it looks like the Dutch will reject the constitution as well, according to this story from the London Times. However, what I found most interesting in this story is this, regarding the new French PM:

M de Villepin, whose heroes are Napoleon and Charles de Gaulle, is a staunch nationalist whose views are mostly anathema to Britain.

As Foreign Minister, he fought passionately to stop Britain and the US going to war in Iraq. He champions the state-led French social model over “Anglo-Saxon” economics.

So, a "staunch nationalist" who champions the "state-led French social model"? Sounds like someone familiar in history, who rose to power sometime in the '30s......oh yeah, except he was a staunch nationalist who championed the state-led German social model.

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