Tuesday, June 07, 2005


was my reaction to this story - seems that Bush actually had a higher average than Kerry at Yale! He actually only got one D during his college years, while Kerry got five. But the funniest thing about this story is the Lurch-like photo of Kerry. Also funny: one of his highest freshman grades came in French class.

Update: Evidently the blogosphere was waaaaay ahead on this story.


Engicon said...

Hah hah. Clinton was still a genius though right?

TimDido said...

Yeah, Clinton was actually a pretty smart dude in college. He didn't have a privileged upbringing and managed to become a Rhodes scholar. Really, smarts have very little to do with leadership skills anyway - think of Jimmy Carter and Herbert Hoover (both engineers, baby!) who were both pretty smart, and both pretty crappy presidents. I just loved to cite this article because just like with Gore, the liberals believed their man was more 'intellectual'. I actually feel a little sorry for Kerry because of this, since he was just trying to cover up embarrassing information.

Engicon said...

I wonder how this will affect his bid for 2008?

TimDido said...

You must mean Kerry's bid, although I think technically Bill Clinton can run again. I think all he has going for him in '08 is name recognition. He's pretty much branded a loser now, and I think he will go the way of the embittered Algore.

The other intersting angle to this story is that it appears Kerry really hasn't answered all the Swifties questions - either the Globe is in cahoots with him, or somebody did some historical editing. Nobody knows the status of his discharge or the circumstances of it; nobody knows the truth of the spurious details surrounding his questioned medals; and nobody knows whether he actually spent Christmas in Cambodia.