Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mr. Obama Comes to Albuquerque

In what seems like a grievous error, President Obama came to Albuquerque today to hold some kind of heartland heart-to-heart in the South Valley to discuss goings on and have huevos rancheros and my invitation seemingly was lost in the mail.

It is heartening to learn that the sermonizer in chief considers New Mexico part of the heartland and made a stop in between Wisconsin and Iowa. And what better place to gather with supporters than the South Valley, a part of the city that many inhabitants of consider themselves oppressed while at the same time consuming more tax dollars than contributing, culminating in regular attempts to secede?

Best yet, we learned that the community organizer in chief is an amazing tipper, leaving twenty dollars for his to-go order of huevos rancheros at a local joint when the bill was about halfway past eight bucks. I certainly hope that some person who got to eat them enjoyed them. I know, harsh, but what more was that gesture than a photo op? The president travels with quite the entourage, and all he ordered was for himself?

No doubt dear leader praised the work of small business woman and once single mother Diane Denish and defender of New Mexico from Jon Barela Martin Heinrich for their tireless and unspecific efforts as good soldiers.

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