Monday, September 13, 2010

A Good Sell-out

Today was almost a good day owing to the fact that about halfway through a meeting that always lasts longer than scheduled I thought that this really was going to be the day that it ended on time, even early. I was wrong. And I will always be wrong about this meeting. And unfortunately for me, over the next nine months I will be participating in an awful lot of these meetings.

The reason why is because these meetings are led by the most curious of people, the type of person that speaks almost entirely in puns and analogies. Of course, having the luck that I have I almost never understand the pun or the analogy which leads my participation to listening for anything useful and always replying that I have no further questions. It’s easy to never have any questions or anything to add when you don’t understand what is going on.

And after a while, I just don’t care anymore. There is supposed to be knowledge gained from these meetings but the person who was tasked with leading them just has no self awareness at all. I find myself thankful for the mute button when this leader starts touting his ability to keep projects on task and spouting euphemisms for time sucks when he could just talk about himself, oh wait, he is.

Add to that lack of self awareness an ability to talk almost endlessly and a disarming folksy tone and a desire to analogize the simplest of constructs into incoherent slush and you have yourself a real winner. The inconvenient truth is that I will happily continue my support of these meetings because while I dread them and am constantly annoyed by them they are led by the customer. This dude basically pays my bills and I am happy to sell out as my son needs milk and my Infiniti needs gas.

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