Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Independent Sham

Perhaps the most curious of political affiliations is the “independent”. Many independents seem to be the oblivious, sophomoric and self-exalting types. As may be inferred from the previous sentence, I am generally no fan of self-described independents. Certainly there are those who are independent of specific affiliations that don’t much care to affiliate and vote in no discernible pattern, these are the harmless independents. The independents that earn my ire are those who describe themselves as such for the express reason of appearing reasonable, for being truly bi-partisan and for being above it all.

As someone who listens to a lot of talk radio nothing earns an eye-roll than a caller introducing themselves as “independent” and then spouting self congratulatory or democrat party clap trap. Many of these so-called independents fashion themselves as speaking for every other independent and for understanding what really needs to be done. Which is stupid on both counts because being truly independent means not adhering to groupthink and acknowledgment that there is no real “right” way for things to be done (government policy wise), just different ways to do things with different benefits, interests and results.

I don’t like everything that every Republican does or says nor do I support every initiative from the party and mostly due to that I am a loyal Republican. Every time someone has a thought that isn’t the same as anyone else, that’s independent but just because it is doesn’t mean that anyone is fully independent in every sense. There are two major political parties in this country and history seems to show that it is almost impossible for more than two to exist without other parties simply becoming slight variations of the first two. The Republican Party isn’t perfect but at least it doesn’t pretend to know how every person should live their lives like the party of the donkey.

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