Sunday, September 21, 2008

simple solution

so now everyone and every media outlet is expecting Obama or McCain to have an economic plan to solve the current situation. Simple:

1) cut taxes

2) cut Congressional spending

3) and that's it.

We live in such a "Great Society" today that everyone is expecting the President to solve the economy. Don't people realize that that is the last thing we need right now is for the government to take over the economy? The market should be free without the excessive regulations we're seeing today. As for this mother of all bailouts, it shouldn't have happened. Would we see a worldwide economic depression? Sure. Why not? May teach people to be more fiscal and responsible with their activities. The market will correct itself. So what we have here is Bush stuck between a rock and a hard place with this government bailout. Because if he did nothing, then I can near-guarantee you Obama would win in November because it'll unfortunately look bad for the Republicans. I smell 1992 deja vu...

But typical McCain. What did he do? He joined the Obama brigade and crucified Wall Street. What McCain should've done is targeted Obama in how he and the Democrats have a lot to do with what's been happening the last few weeks. Go back to the Clinton days.

Comments welcome.

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