Monday, September 08, 2008

Michael Yon

I think it was Muz that turned me onto Michael Yon. This guy has been indispensable in his coverage of the Surge in Iraq, and now he is in Afghanistan. Be sure to read his latest report.

I didn't keep up with the news well enough to know just how bad the situation in Afghanistan had deteriorated until I read about it in one of his reports just a few months ago. We're not out of the woods yet in Afghanistan, but the nice thing about having problems there is we will get less resistance internationally and from the Dems at home when it comes to supporting the force we have there.

1 comment:

LtCarp said...

This could be a double-edged sword for Democrats. It seems like the only war they remotely agree with is what's going on in Afghanistan right now, but would they truly advance causes over there?

But bottom line is I have more faith in drunk college kids driving than Democrats to run a war, conflict, or whatever they call it.