Friday, March 30, 2012

Obamacare Rant - 3/30

The waiting is the worst part. No one knows what the US Supreme Court will decide in their deliberations of Obamacare. This week, following a rare multi-day nearly six hour hearing on the law (typically cases get about half an hour), many have weighed in with their assessments of the case, probable decisions and the blame for whomever screwed up. It’s interesting to assess such unknown unknowns and curious with regard to the way that Justice Kennedy is insulted or sucked up to because of his reputation as the so-called crucial swing vote. One writer insists on referring to him as America’s monarch, and like everyone else, wants him to rule one way or another. Before leaving the court, O’Connor was the justice known as the swing vote and Kennedy was a hard core conservative. Or so was his reputation. I’d bet he doesn’t think he’s changed. In ending arguments on Obamacare, Justice Kagan, former solicitor general for this administration spoke what seemed to be on behalf of it bringing up virtue to help those less fortunate. The one thing I don’t understand, because it disappears in these conversations, but is brought up all the time to espouse the virtues of government programs, Medicaid. You know, the means tested program for the less fortunate? Why do we need more when it exists already? Is it because it’s a bloated ineffective government mess? If it isn’t why doesn’t it work? And why should anyone believe that the solution is an even bigger government program?

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