Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Obamacare Rant - 3/28

It's striking how far this is going to the detriment of the real issue. That many seem unwilling to accept responsibility for their debts, healthcare or otherwise. It's head shaking to keep seeing this "we" nonsense. Why is it so horrible to consider that people should be responsible for covering their debts? If it leads to bankruptcy, so be it. Clean slate, lesson learned, insurance for next time. And why is it so great to force insurance regulations for mandatory coverage? It's fantastic for those who utilize such things, forcing others to subsidize the popular and cheap. But what about those with no such needs and high deductibles resulting from those regulations faced with something not explicitly covered? Why even have insurance if they consume less than their deductible? Every person is different and the problem is over-regulation and compulsion forcing everyone to accept the same and pay for free-loaders. There are already programs to cover those who honestly can't do for themselves. What is this debate about without considering the obvious failure of these programs? So maddening. The quest for control over everyone else from these people.

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