Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Of Tea Party Myths

Certainly there exist books and professionals able to properly characterize the need of some to demonize a loosely defined entity as responsible for the ills of society that while undesirable are otherwise impossible to fully understand. The latest hate object serving as a universal dart board for frustrations arising from the human condition is the Tea Party, a loosely constructed political movement borne of dissatisfaction with the federal government’s penchant for over-spending. There are several different groups that label themselves as the ‘official’ Tea Party; however, there is no single lead group only a unifying theme of limited government.

By virtue of its composition, the Tea Party has proven itself to be a useful antagonist for proponents of big government, a faceless goblin to blame for the lack of political will available to spend even more on programs that don’t work. Self identified ‘progressive’ politicians to include the President regularly construct infeasible scenarios in which the Tea Party, constructed of troglodytes desire some comical solution desirous of earthly destruction while the politician favors enlightened progress which is always more of the same.

And it works. There are many who endorse the view that the Tea Party, which has no formal responsibilities and somewhat aligned with a small number of legislators and has only existed for several years in current form is responsible for all human suffering. And it’s not only the easily led that hold this view. A curious development and one that supports the idea that real change is impossible until the juvenile view that human nature is something other than it is and that a utopian existence free of all suffering is attainable is dismissed. Those who choose to blame faceless entities like the Tea Party in this manner display a willful ignorance of reality, preferring myth to reality and will force much more detrimental effects in the future.

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