Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Stimulus!

Pass this bill! If you love me you’ll pass this bill! Such is the drivel that our campaigner in chief has been reduced himself to as of late. Powered by tax dollars and unhindered by travel restrictions by virtue of access to two private 747s the president has been traveling the country campaigning for his re-election by making promises of cold hard cash to favored constituencies.

It started with the president demanding an audience with congress, an address to a joint session to begin his campaign supposedly coincidently scheduled with a republican presidential candidate debate. Never mind that it is the congress that is to invite the president to deliver a speech to a joint session. In the speech the president ordered the assembled congress to pass ‘his’ bill titled the “American Jobs Act”. Never mind that the congress is a separate and equal (by level of responsibility) branch of the federal government. Never mind that there was no written bill at the time of the speech, the president promising benefits tomorrow while putting off delivery of said bill to a week later. Never mind that the president cannot submit a bill into either house of congress without a sponsoring member.

Never mind the absurdity of a spending bill that is mostly comprised of future targeted tax increases transferred immediately to public employees and works called a ‘jobs bill’ as if taking money out of the private sector well into the future to redistribute in the short term will add any jobs where they are actually needed. Does the president even understand that the funds necessary to pay for public jobs and works come from taxes collected from the work of private workers and business? Private businesses that are created under the auspices of eventually creating wealth for those who take the risk to try. Apparently the president believes that the government is responsible for creating businesses and that he can order hiring just because and also order around congress.

Never mind is the response this presidency deserves. The constant lecturing and insistence on boundless and irresponsible spending is exhausting. How the president thinks that a majority of the public will support another spending initiative half as large as one that failed in every conceivable metric put forth by its designers is puzzling. The less that congress does over the next year the better until this intolerable community organizer can be ushered into retirement. Viva obstructionism!

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