Monday, January 31, 2011

What's the hurry, Officer?

Dear Albuquerque Police Department Officer assigned to car G74, you’re the reason why I will never support officer’s being allowed to take home their work vehicles. What I witnessed this morning is a situation that many, too many, ordinary citizens witness on an all too regular basis.

Today as I was leaving my little slice of urban development bliss, shared by you officer in G74, I did the same thing every other motorist sharing the road with you did, double checked my speed and ensured that I remained right at 30. Did you? Of course not, car G74 must have a defective speedometer because it seemed as though you were traveling a bit faster than the rest of us. What was that, ten over the limit? I asked myself; self, would that officer in car G74 allow me in my vehicle to travel ten miles per hour over the speed limit? Really, I would likely be stopped and fined? How inconvenient.

Traffic stopped and as the light turned green, officer in APD car G74 stomped on the accelerator, as the late model Crown Vic’s, courtesy of you and me, tires chirped as the officer barreled into the lane. I sped up to the speed limit, a more reasonable 45 but that wasn’t fast enough for officer in G47 who sped off in front of all traffic, weaving without signaling and cutting off intimidated drivers.

As I turned away I thought to myself, why should I pay more in taxes so that officer in car G47 can break the law on their commute when I have to transport myself back and forth to work? Is it really a humble public servant if they get to flaunt their disregard for the laws the rest of us must adhere to, or face punishment from them, and when they insult us by assuming themselves so important that we must provide them perks not afforded to the rest of us?

Most police officers are decent and work hard. Problem is regular citizens never have to interact with those officers. Most decent citizen’s interaction with the 5-0 includes routine traffic stops and getting paperwork done for the insurance company when something’s stolen. Other than that, we are forced to witness the wanton disregard too many officers have for simple traffic laws. The officer in car G47 wasn’t on a call, he was leaving home for work. It’s bad enough that many officers park their take home cars in a way meant to intimidate their neighbors. That’s right, parked on the street towards the main artery so the person just driving through has no idea if it’s some kind of set up.

Officer in car G74, you and those who act in the same way as yourself are the problem. We respect those officers that make us safer. What do you do that makes us safer? Frankly, you don’t deserve to have your commute covered by me and my neighbors. Additionally, you and your kind should have double fines assessed for your actions. If only anyone with actual power would do something. I’m not holding my breath.

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