Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random Thoughts

The worst thing early in the morning is not a lack of Folgers’s in one’s cup, it’s coming in and realizing that you have a long and boring meeting that starts in 15 minutes that you completely forgot about.

I hate that after one installs Windows updates and desires to hibernate or something other than restart the computer that it restarts anyway. One of the reasons for my laziness is my “method” of working in unsaved documents, so I don’t clutter document folders. Often I leave things unfinished then hibernating when I leave at the end of the day to let ideas percolate when I’m off the clock so that the files are ready at the start of a new day.

Yesterday on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, happy 60th Rush, he played a sound bite from some clown who talked about his lament that there is no liberal counter to Rush on the radio. Immediately I thought to myself, with a hat tip to my favorite movie Office Space, Why is it Rush’s problem that liberals suck? Seriously though, it’s whiny claptrap like that sentiment that led to not keeping score in little league. If there were a liberal that could command an audience similar in size to Limbaugh’s there would be one on-air. Unfortunately the answer for liberals is to force some liberal clown on the airwaves (NPR) or silence others (“fairness” doctrine).

It seems as though the recent torrent of low priced gyms in the Albuquerque area has certainly had an ill affect on more costly gyms. As a member of one of those higher priced gyms (with a courtesy membership, natch) I have noticed that there are less New Year resolutionites this year that last. I know that if I had to pay for a gym membership I would rather pay $20 a month or less for my thrice weekly visits.

The Broncos are posting portions of their interviews with perspective coaches online for those interested, a move initiated by new VP John Elway. Personally I couldn’t care less but I’m certain that there are many fans who think this is a great idea, so kudos Mr. Elway.

Tucson was a town I called home in my early twenties and I enjoyed living there. What happened there this past weekend was in no way indicative of that city. The only reasonable thing to do is pray for the victims of the attempt on Congresswoman Gifford’s life. A terrible day and at the very least, the person solely responsible is in custody.

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