Monday, May 17, 2010

Janice Arnold Jones on the Bob Clark Show

This morning, Bob Clark welcomed New Mexico Gubernatorial candidate Janice Arnold Jones to his show and interviewed her during the 9 o’clock hour. Prior to this interview I was not inclined to vote for Jones mostly on her commercials and press releases I had read. But, there have been other cases where I have changed my position on a candidate so perhaps after this interview I will be swayed.

Janice Arnold Jones is a state legislature representative since 2003 from Albuquerque. There is a current poll with Weh and Martinez leading. Jones states that it is just a poll and she believes that there are still many people undecided and her campaign had some issues as she was hamstrung by a lack of fundraising due to her duties in the state legislature. She believes that she has a good message and that it is getting out because of her campaign volunteers.

- On immigration, Arizona and Albuquerque checking every one arrested. If we do not secure our borders and stem the tide of drug criminals we will lose our state. She supports Mayor Berry. She believes that it is wrong to boycott Arizona over their new law. She believes that it is important to respect the laws of a country when a visitor. The problem is that drug traffickers do not. As governor she would support a fence on the border and that checkpoints on the border should be effective. If the federal government won’t do it then the state has to. She supports guest worker programs.
- Where are we in regard to the state budget? We are short of funds, down 600 million dollars. Frustration comes from an unrealistic revenue outlook, creating a budget that is far larger than what is coming in. She believes that raising taxes depresses the economy. Regulations, licensing also need to be relaxed.
- How prepared should New Mexicans be for cuts? We cannot do everything for everyone. Some will be distressed but it is something that has to be done.
- Would you pass a law that double dipping would stop unless in regard to law enforcement? She agrees in regard to law enforcement and double dipping must be examined. People should only have one retirement and not two.
- People ignore retirement commitments to state employees, what needs to be done there long term? We are going to have to increase the commitment from state employees, their contributions. Change from defined commitment to defined contribution. We have to keep the promises already made but must change it moving forward.
- How do you differ from the other candidates? Jones believes that most are similar, two attorneys and 4 business people. She is the only legislature who is prepared for the next step. She understands the legislative process and how state government works. One of her big accomplishments is to open up the state legislature with web cams in session.
- There is a supporter who calls at this point and spends his time complimenting the candidate. There is no question here and a waste of time.
- Transparency is a mind set and all agencies need to be open. In a bureaucracy the citizens cannot participate. She wants to make government efficient and serve citizens.
- A democrat calls and wants to vote for Jones in the general election. The third plank of her platform is that we must have a smarter and more efficient school system. How? We have approached education the same for a long time with no better results. Technology opens the door to better things. If teachers are not trained we must offer better teaching by any means including distance learning. We must have connectivity in the class room and offer vocational training.
- What can we do to improve pedestrian safety and do you support red light cameras? Red light cameras to raise revenue are not effective and they are not uniform all over the state so she does not support them. Pedestrians and drivers both need to be responsible in regard to safety.
- Will there be a time where she will be willing to re-open and pursue corruption charges against Richardson that were dropped when Obama became president? She thinks that any time the citizens of NM are abused by the government; it has to be pursued legally. She will pursue charges.
- Caller would like to see an ethics bill that if they commit a felony they forfeit state sponsored retirement benefits. She agrees and believes that state benefits should be lost if someone commits a crime against the state.
- Another supporter calls and complains about the rhetoric, no question.
- There was an email that says Jones does not support a certain tax break for military veterans. She says it is true because she favors a restructuring of the tax system in the state first. Tough question to interpret.
- Energy. How would Jones balance more resources in NM while ensuring the state’s environment. First, to sustain drilling we need to lower business taxes and encourage private industry. We need to get it exported also with new transmission lines.
- How are you going to deal with the legislature? Having served she is well aware of what it takes to work with both sides of the aisle. She understands problems and issues within the total legislature. She has built relationships there over the years.
- Would she consider entitlement takers to take drug tests? On the surface it makes sense because we want stressed families to be drug free. How to pay for it and how to implement are issues but it is a good idea.
- There is no regard for the constitution, the country’s and the state’s, what would she do to protect our rights? As governor she has requested the AG to look at breaches in the constitution such as laws that have more than one subject also line item vetoes by the governor that do not include appropriations.
- On the rail runner she believes we have to shut it down to stop the bleeding. It would take a miracle to keep it going and building a business case for it. She would privatize it if possible but does not see who would take it. It could cost the state 50 million a year as a loss.

Following the interview I must say that I came away impressed. The generalities in advertising that led me to believe that Janice Arnold Jones was kind of an empty candidate were not on display in the interview. She was able to answer questions very well in the interview. Her positions were clear and easy to understand and recognizable from a conservative standpoint. My favorite Jones position is the possible shuttering of the rail runner. It was a mistake and there never was a business case for its existence. It serves mostly as a convenience for state employees, which is nice but does nothing for most of the state. Jones is a good candidate, at least on par with Pete Domenici, Jr. and if she wins the primary I will be glad to vote Janice Arnold Jones for governor.

Two pieces of news hurt the Jones campaign and I believe help to clarify the field. A poll released recently shows Allen Weh and Susana Martinez at the top with the others trailing. Second, Sarah Palin came to town this weekend to endorse Susana Martinez. Martinez, along with Doug Turner are what I consider to be top candidates, our best choices. Allen Weh, I consider to be our worst choice. I sincerely believe that a vote for Allen Weh is a vote for Diane Denish in the general election. These items make it hard to choose anyone other than Susana Martinez for Governor. I haven’t yet made up my mind but will do so very soon.

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