Wednesday, November 05, 2008

alright world, congratulations, great, wonderful, now let's get to work

When Obama did say "we are the United States," it does make me feel good and realize we are by far the best country on the planet, far more superior than everyone else in every category possible, and capable of having a verbally violent campaign leading to peaceful results.

That being said, however, as we look back, the bottom line fact is this. No President in the history of the US has been more disrespected than Bush. Even including Reagan and Nixon and Clinton.

People can learn a lesson or two from Paul Ryan (Wisconsin House Republican). The last 8 years proved one thing. When Bush wanted to reach to the other side of the aisle, the Democrats did not work with him. The last 8 years proved bipartisanship in DC is impossible. The bottom line is Bush proposed bipartisanship and *both* sides abandoned him. Republicans can't stand Bush because he chose Miers, didn't send the right amount of people to Iraq/no exit strategy, allow amnesty, NCLB, tax cuts weren't enough, not privatizing health care, etc. Democrats can't stand Bush because he chose Alito/Roberts, would not withdrawal from Iraq, won't open borders fully/give out driver's license, not enough funding for education, tax cuts too much, not supporting SCHIP, etc. See the point here? Bush is blamed for everything yet the Democratic Congress of the last few years gets a pass. How can Bush pass anything when he has vehement opposition? The last 8 years proved the only way you can win is to run on your views - and *stick* with them. That's the way Obama will be successful - but the key is to see if people are willing to accept his left liberal viewpoints. Time will tell there. But if Obama moves to the center, his Democrats in Congress will be angered and the Republicans will say he's not really conservative anyways. Presidents should stick with their viewpoints, and the members of Congress needs to swallow their pride and work with the President. Obama may get that lucky break considering most members of Congress agrees with him. Bush didn't have that break as he had almost the same members that would disagree with every little thing he said. Time will tell what Bush's legacy will be. It's way too early to analyze.

Now how do Republicans bounce back? Simple. Why do we have to stand on just one sub-issue of conservatism? There are people out there that's all of the above: Social conservative, economic, national security. Choose that one person and get Sarah Palin involved, get Mitt Romney involved, get Tim Pawlenty involved, get Bobby Jindal involved, get Michael Steele involved, get Grover Norquist involved, get Mike Huckabee involved, get Newt Gingrich involved, etc. or maybe one of them is the one. Get the "DC usuals" involved like Putnam, Boehner, Blunt, Pence, etc. Listening to the center has gotten us nothing. Conservatives may split amongst one another on sub-issues, but they will all rally together behind THE conservative. Independents only come on board if we are liberal on several issues. And as described in the previous paragraph, that ends up sinking the Republican party which essentially near-happened yesterday. And also come out positive. No need for depression like most of the Democrats' campaign themes have been. I know there are plenty of Republicans out there that think we should reach out to moderates and independents, and I respect that opinion, but I think we’ve seen that tried over the last 10 years now…and look what happened.

Now, liberals shouldn't be super confident come 2009. The culture war (whether one agrees/disagrees is not the point) still exists and they will not win the "right" by sticking with their original viewpoints. If Obama is asking for prayers from Christians, good Christians will do it, but Obama will need to think long and hard about his views on life and family if he's going to get full support. Democrats were able to get in mainly because of the economy conveniently near-crashing just a month before the election. Democrats capitalized and showed the world that you are all depressed - vote for us and you'll be happy again. McCain simply put ran a bad campaign and I've said that already. McCain himself distanced from Christians, Hispanics, and Suburbia and it was almost over at that point. And the campaign energized finally with Palin coming on board. Of course it helped most of the media were on the side of Obama, but that's beside the point. And after all that, may Republicans learn their lesson over the past couple of years. They came to Washington to "change it" and instead really it changed them and if anything, the party of fiscal responsibility threw it out the window. They didn't lower taxes enough and now we're witnessing outsourcing at record proportions. They, as well as Clinton, forced banks to give loans to pretty much anyone without logical discrimination. But like the economy, parties are cyclic, the Republicans will bounce back again.

And since economy has become the issue, how exactly will Democrats handle this? Well, the fact is most people are very negative about the future of our financial market. What we will see is the Democrats (let's just say that since they're in power now) will continue interfering in everyone's affairs, make government even bigger than it is now and as a result, continue the economic downturn. Congress showed (including Republicans of literally yesterday) they don’t know anything about the economy whatsoever, as well as other citizens in America. Some financial institution or an insurance company is in trouble. So what's the solution? Let government takeover *even more* and make matters worse. Democrats (yes they too) support the billions and billions and maybe trillions now of "relief" (note the quotes) to Wall Street and turn capital cheap. No one (McCain failed here probably because he too supported it) faulted the Congress of the home mortgage crisis that happened (Fannie/Freddie).

In order to restore confidence, they simply need to get out. That is really the only way. Stop taking on the liquidity and credit problems and let markets be truly free. If there is something stimulated, it's only temporary for a very short term. That's not exactly a recovery. Financial institutions are simply giving out in droves. Let them fail. It's really the only way something bounces back. But, they're not the only ones to blame, but also individuals that don’t know their financial boundaries and fall for the predatory schemes. Home values really need to reach a certain level. At those levels, new people who *can* afford will then buy. In the future, construction will start again. And if the economy grows, assets will go up.

Now how to get the economy growing again? Government *could* do something and that's to provide just enough liquidity so the markets continue to function. That can maintain markets. Again: just enough and this isn't a "bailout." And then promote economic growth by doing what Obama will *not* do and that's cut marginal rates on corporate as well as income taxes, and capital gains taxes as well. Investment spending will occur, jobs will be created, wealth will be generated. These are principles that Obama bluntly disagreed with in the entire campaign. Thus this is why I said the economy will continue to languish over the years

Consumers and workers ultimately pay corporate taxes. High corporate taxes does not produce jobs and reduces foreign entities of doing business here. It needs to go down from today's 35% level. As McCain said, it's the 2nd highest in the world - and it is

And here's the ultimate sacrifice: consumers must not be reckless with their finances. *and* Congress must reduce the debt. And this can be helped by economic growth

Congress should stop with all these "stimulus" packages. They're just rebates and they don't help the economy

Congress needs to stop helping people who got into the situation they were in to begin with. That is bluntly wasting money and not helping recovery. Banks should be able to decided whether or not to make deals with people and get the government out and pull away from the stupid law that was made back in the 90s forcing banks to give give give

Congress needs to stop making DoTre give equity to companies or unions because of the debt they caused to begin with

Congress *and* Obama needs to decrease marginal tax rates and allow free trade

Congress needs to stop this constant Union secret balloting legislation

And on top of *all* that, the Democrats will cut the DoD budget by at least 30% (that's said, so realistically it's gonna be more)

Congrats to President Obama: race and age is one thing, but policies is what matters

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