Thursday, April 27, 2006

Imagine if Oil Was As Expensive as Watching a Movie

I don't know about y'all, but my patience is running thin with all the "exhorbitant price" rhetoric going on. Why can't people accept that our lifestyle isn't free (or even inherently cheap) and that oil companies should be able to charge whatever they want as long as we'll pay!

Sowell calls out the "bipartisan demagoguery."

1 comment:

Engicon said...

That comment, after the article, on intellectual conservative is rather annoying. I left a comment to refute it, but mine hasn't been posted yet. I'm probably just missing something where I really posted to the end a big discussion but can only see the first comment. Funny how suddenly when we are talking about gas prices, even a conservative thinks they deserve an entitlement (that's probably redundant). Not the first time I've heard that argument from an otherwise staunch conservative. I especially like the Phoenix heat angle. No one forces you to live in the middle of the desert.