Monday, February 07, 2005

Something to ponder

I was listening to talk radio this morning and the discussion was about Ronald Reagan, this past weekend being his birthday and all. The commentators were asking their audience about a "Ronald Reagan day", perhaps on his birthday or maybe his face on currency. Many people called on one side or another, some dumb and some with something sensible to say. The one caller though that really got my attention was the one that identified himself as a democrat. This annoyed me. It annoyed me because it's something that I've heard again and again, someone who pronounces himself the ultimate expert in Republican issues because they're a democrat. Now, I can be reasonable and I truly believe that their are issues that people share as a concern and have similar ideas to solve regardless of their party affiliation but I refuse to believe the nonsense that the best person to comment on a Republican is a democrat. I understand that there are many democrats who liked President Reagan and his policies but really, doesn't that just make them bad democrats? I mean, welcome to the small-r fold bro but come on. Doesn't anyone else tire of people on TV saying that a Republican policy is good just because those agreeing with it are dems? I know I am.

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