Monday, February 07, 2005

Can't help it

You know, I'm a Broncos fan. I will be until there is no more me. I don't particularly care for the Patriots, I didn't watch the Super Bowl, I had dinner with a nice lady friend yesterday evening. But, at the very least I can acknowledge their accomplishment. Three Super Bowls in four years. A 14-2 record this past year. That's something to be proud of. It's quite a feat and I have to say they have become a dynasty. Slate, the liberal magazine has the following headline today;
The Lamest Dynasty in Sports
I suppose that being a liberal really means, in the words of Rush, that you're full of gloom and doom all the time. That good news must be bad news. I know I know, some people prefer more parity and a team that wins all the time seems destined to have fans turn on them but to be so negative. What's the point?

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