Monday, February 27, 2006

Intellectual Gathering...

Our Governor apparently had dinner with Jessica Simpson last week during her visit of Santa Fe to film a Wal-Mart parody. Topics of discussion included her recent split with "that 98 degree guy" and a symposium on what's actually in those Chicken of the Sea cans. It was unanimously decided that it's NOT green chile...


TimDido said...

Her ex is so cool! He's doing pretty good on that dancing show!

What, which 98 Degrees guy?

Man, I haven't watched MTV in a long time. Where's Erick when you need him?

vetes said...

Talk about a meeting of the minds. I wonder if the governor used his 'drafted by the A's' line. Probably also reminded her of all the tax breaks for filmakers in our wonderful state.

LtCarp said...

did everyone know that Gov Richardson is a pervert? He's actually been caught on many occasions playfully (at least it looks that way) flirting, even physically, with ladies. Lt Gov Denish is a victim.

I'm almost willing to bet Gov Richardson was trying his best with Ms Simpson. She probably enjoyed it

Muztan said...

Yeah, I'm sure she enjoyed it. I mean, I'd enjoy being sleazed on by a vogue half-wit charlatan whos cheeks remind me of a bulldog...

Ok, I went too far... He's a nice guy.