Friday, July 28, 2006

One Winged Landing

This is pretty amazing. An Israeli pilot lands an F15 after one wing is destroyed in flight.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More AP idiocy

Well, this time it's apolitical, but it's still utter incompetence and just plain bad journalism.

The AP headline says Ken Jennings "blasts" the show that made him. However, read his blog entry that was the source of the story. The AP has fallen for a humor piece. Every day, I hate the AP more and more....

Another AP "story"

The AP writes a love letter about Castro's "impossible mission" during the '50s. No mention of the prison camps, and the only time the word "dictator" is used is to describe Batista, not Castro.

Makes me wanna throw up.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

age-old cliche....

As predicted, the media is gonna shower our senses with images of helpless victims of countries that harbor terrorists *sighs*. Yet not one showing of all the Israeli victims of Hamas, PLO, Al-Aqsa, Hezbollah attacks over the decades. A big *middle finger* for NYC (where ABC, CBS, etc are). Stop bombing Lebanon? How about stop voting for killers to your government. Then we'll leave you alone. Morons.

Has anyone ever listened to Stephanie Miller? She's this liberal skidmark that's now on the drive home for me on the radio...It's the F-U Bush Praise Clinton hour with her. Seriously, I swear, I think she has staged "conservatives" call her because EVERY conservative that called on her show sound like stereotypical dumb hicks. I'm not kidding. Nobody combats her logically on that show in turn Miller & co mocks the guest and further spews liberal "facts" vs Bush......I actually tried calling several times but the lines were always "busy." I think she's a crock.

Monday, July 17, 2006


This is hillarious. I never considered the politics of Google page ranking before. I even think now that this is probably just coincidence. Right now, 6 out of the top 7 Google hits for "ann coulter donny deutsch" are in the vein, "Donny Deutsch Shatters the Coulter Myth." The funny thing is that I downloaded and watched the segment and he did no such thing. He does a pretty good job repeating himself about how there is no liberal bogeyman. Coulter then has to repeat herself about how there is and it runs the DNC. The digg link above has some all over the place comments. If you follow through to the crooksandliars story you can see the dementia begin. I mean it's not like Coulter demolished him or anything, but neither did he "tear her apart." There really wasn't an overwhelming sense of confrontation in the piece at all. Some, but that wasn't the overall tone.

Friday, July 14, 2006


I don't claim to be the world expert on panhandling signs or anything. Still, I thought it to be fairly well understood that the sign should refer to to holder. For instance, if the sign says, "will work for food," it means that the guy holding the sign is offering to work for food. Likewise if the sign says, "Vietnam vet," the holder is indicating that he served in Vietnam during the war. So imagine my confusion when I saw a guy, on the side of the offramp, holding a sign which included, "POW MIA VA Hospital." Now if I'm wrong about him and he was actually telling his life story, e.g. a POW, then declared MIA, assumedly released, spent some time in the VA hospital, now wants your money, I hope someone buys him dinner then a house. The customary procedure though is to list _current_ descriptors on the sign. Therefore he is claiming to be a POW and MIA. Is he then a foreign soilder invading the US? Call the Army someone please. Or is he a US soldier claiming to be a POW and MIA on US soil? Sounds more like AWOL to me. Call the MPs.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

it's just not surprising...

If Americans think WW III did not start on 9/11, then this should wake them up. The time for "dialogue" is should've been over a long time ago.

Israel vs the world

Someone didn't get enough attention from their mother

Are you freakin' kidding me?

The Happy Planet

Liberal environmentalist wacko group, The New Economic Foundation, has a study out being touted by the AFP in a recent story that comes to the conclusion that the Vanuatu is the happiest country on earth. Second? Get this: Colombia. Sixth, of course, is Cuba. Where does the US fall in this? Why, 150th, naturally.

(I'd link to the NEF's website, but, it seems, this great think tank has a pretty shabby website. I wonder if the AFP would write a story about the Heritage Foundation's index with the same sort of enthusiasm?)

Anyway, this index from the NEF is a liberal douchebag's fantasy-land index - it factors in "Ecological Footprint" and the nebulous "Life Satisfaction". Sounds like all they want to do is wag their finger in the face of industrialized Western nations in order to preach the happy, primitive, back-to-Gaia-mother-earth way of life that the noble savages exemplify. Somebody should tell these morons about how it was the industrialized nations that came up with the methods of controlling hunger, disease, and injury.

But what do I know? Of course, the proof is in the pudding, as we witness all those unhappy American refugees fleeing on boats to Cuba and across the border into Mexico on a daily basis.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Back to politics, holmes

Well, now that the World Cup is over, I can return to thinking about politics.

For starters, I'd been glued to the Mexican election results when there wasn't a game on. PAN candidate Felipe Calderon (successor to the current Pres., Vicente Fox) eked out an apparent victory by half a percentage point - this is after the obligatory recount following a narrow victory in the preliminary results. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the left-leaning candidate (and former mayor of Mexico City) has vowed to dispute the results, Algore-style, even though the non-partisan election commission has stated the results are irreversible. We'll see what happens, but I hope AMLO's beef peters away and Mexico proves that they can join the rest of the developed world in peaceful democracy by holding a fair election that all parties can recognize.

What does this mean for the US, provided the results hold up? Well, Calderon is a free-trader (well, more of a free-trader than AMLO), which is the best news for us unless you are one of those protectionist psychos who says Mexicans are stealing all our jobs, in which case I recommend you get a little refresher in economics. In fact, the red/blue (well, blue/yellow) map of Mexico shows that border states favor Calderon, as they are the ones that benefit most from free trade. (I'm also happy to say that all Mexican states to which the wife has relations - Baja, Jalisco, and Chihuahua - all favored Calderon). So, it can only mean good news because 1) it demonstrates our influence on our southern neighbor that they can now hold a peaceful and fair election, and 2) free trade is good for both countries. In terms of the border, however, both candidates were not seeing eye-to-eye with US. Well, you can't have everything, I guess. The best thing to do is to just let free-trade raise the level of both countries to the point that they stop exporting their poor to us. In the meantime, we'll guard our border and say, "sorry, Felipe, but we gotta do what we gotta do."

Sunday, July 09, 2006

French World Image

Don't worry, this is a foreign policy post... sort of. Zidane might well have cost France the World Cup by getting himself redcarded and not being there for the PKs. In doing so, though, he has done more than anyone in memory to reduce France's surrender monkey image.

Monday, July 03, 2006

nice threat LOL

Even soccer has their fair share of threats. Rooney will "split Ronaldo in 2." Gotta love the English...