Friday, February 17, 2006

Open Letter to Ann Coulter

Courtesy of John Hawkins (via Tigerhawk). Definitely needed. Ann made me cringe for the first time with her post 9/11 column, which got her fired from NR. She's an incredibly gifted and witty writer, so I hate to have her talent go to waste - but she is guilty of impeding the effort in the Middle East if she resorts to slandering an entire group of people and needs to be called on it. It would be a shame to have her excellent work regarding Joe McCarthy to be dismissed because she keeps sticking her foot in her mouth.

For the record, I went to an Ann Coulter talk in Abq with the wife a couple years back, and Ann was as civil as could be. It was an enjoyable experience - but probably because there were no vocal and rowdy protestors. I think what happens is her incisive wit causes people to become irrational and she descends to their level. Overemotionalism in debate is a big problem and if you can't control it you shouldn't debate (I've been guilty many times). Anyway, I hope that's what happens, because I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here.


Muztan said...

Normally I enjoy Ann's wit, but it's surprising to see her go this far. Let's hope she receives the criticism well. Unfortunately, we are judged by our mouthpieces...

vetes said...

On this subject, more than others, Coulter's words are harsh and have been so more than a few times. Often her words make me wince and laugh but on this subject, she is difficult to read. I think though that her direction in this regard will remain undeterred, and as Muztan stated, will give the blowhards ammunition to unfairly judge other conservatives.