Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No Primary for you New Mexico!!!

I never understood why it is that primary elections have to be separated by so much time. I understand the main reason is that it supposedly allows candidates to build organizations and to build on successes from results in so-called “key” states. But what exactly defines a “key” state and why should anyone trust those who decide that definition? Even though I almost certainly planned to vote for Mitt Romney in New Mexico’s Republican primary I am disappointed that, for all intents and purposes, his nomination is assured. It’s frustrating to live in a state that time and again just doesn’t have any say with regard to the nomination of presidential candidates at the party level. Those in New Mexico wanting to support someone else should have been able to. But they have no choice. Presuming that success as determined by Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina is the only way a candidate can build their case for nomination doesn’t make sense to me. And the negative assumption that allowing the nominating process to build throughout the early part of the year, culminating in a large scale primary on one day or spread over several days throughout the same week or two week period in May wouldn’t work can’t be proven because it’s never been tried in modern times. And modern times with obsessive internet and cable news coverage lead me to believe that it could work. Why not give every primary voter a chance?

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