Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Keep it Going!

Earlier today on an email front page containing news there was a top story claiming that Mitt Romney was limping towards the Republican presidential nomination. Purportedly this headline was all about how the once and current front-runner isn’t doing as well as a prohibitive favorite should at this point. Certainly there’s some consternation from those who, you know, actually care about who will be the Republican nominee this fall over the length of the process but it’s not really credible in an opinion piece thinly disguised as news from a supposedly straight news wire service. It seems, at least on matters of most importance this year, that there is not much difference between these candidate’s stances. There is much to be said for a long process that continually tests and improves the eventual nominee, not to mention that many states have yet to vote and their citizens deserve a chance to contribute. If, in the general election, the worst that can be said is that the Republican candidate couldn’t win the primary right away, because everything else that could have been said already was, that’s a good thing. And, a compliment to GOP voters, as it proves that they make careful considerations when selecting a Presidential candidate. The worry-warts in the party will worry, and if not over this then something else, like Maine. At least they have concern for something they care about. Beware the advice of those who wish to see us lose.

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