Thursday, January 19, 2012

In Praise of Humdrum

I’m not necessarily decided with regard to the winnowing Republican presidential field but it’s getting close and hopefully, by the time the primary makes its way to New Mexico there will be at least a couple candidates that aren’t Ron Paul to choose from including Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. I don’t necessarily mind Newt Gingrich but I’m just not inclined to vote for him over the others mentioned. Part of my inclination has to do with a quality that no one would accuse Gingrich of and is offered as a fault of Romney and Santorum; they’re boring. What a dumb and misguided criticism!

That’s right; I believe that it is imperative of our country to elect a boring President. President Obama was elected in part because of his ability to stir emotions based on his speaking style. And what good has the ability to deliver cheap words in copious volume served the current President and our country? My take from the President’s re-election campaign focus on an imaginary averted depression, political opponents and his predecessor to explain economic conditions illustrates that those cheap words haven’t done much.

It does no good for the country that the President can cause fainting and inspire groupies because fan boys have a terrible track record of thinking objectively because of their devotion. I prefer a President that forces voters to consider their actual records and the substance behind their words because that substance is a much better indicator of leadership than the ability to bring the shallow to tears with meaningless drivel. As a matter of fact, I prefer a President I don’t like for some reasons, so long as those reasons don’t matter or make it into legislation.

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