Tuesday, February 08, 2011

More Governor Martinez annoying the right people

Unfortunately the link that is in this post is part of the problem, at least as it pertains to my opinion. And it starts with an unfortunate logo on a News page.
Look at that logo. And think about the story that is being commented on and how it relates to that logo and to the section of a supposedly reputable news organization that felt that this story belonged in this section adorned with that logo.

The crux of the story is as follows:
Immigrant rights groups are planning to rally at the Capitol in protest of the Republican governor's immigration policies.
What these self-fashioned immigrant rights groups are protesting specifically is an executive order signed by Governor Martinez that requires state law enforcement to check the immigration status of arrested criminal suspects. This order is similar in nature to one signed in 2010 by Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry, doing the same thing in the city.

These suspects have already presumptively broken some law and what is not at all mentioned in this article or in any literature proffered by immigration rights groups is that being in this country illegally is also against the law and that many residents of New Mexico’s prison system are in our country illegally.

What these immigrant rights groups really advocate are two things, illegal immigration, which they don’t accept as illegal because second, they also disregard legal borders. Because of the fact that almost all of the illegal immigration in this part of the country comes from one place and is made up of a certain designated ethnic group these rights groups obfuscate the real issue in order to make it based completely on emotion. This reliance on emotion is dangerous because it separates us as a country while doing a disservice by hiding the actual issue.

Which gets me back to the logo. As a member of the ethnic group which makes up most of the illegal immigration in this part of the country, though an American, it is disheartening to witness the continued separation that is advocated by these so-called immigrant rights groups. What is being discussed is an illegal activity in this country and Governor Martinez, like Mayor Berry first, has bent over backwards in order to maintain equal protection in taking baby steps towards solving a very real problem that must be confronted sooner rather than later. That logo on the Fox News “Latino” page is just another reminder that our country is rapidly dividing into disparate groups rather than uniting as the United States of America.

Our New Mexican ancestors left a rich history of adapting to the culture of colonial times, combining their own experiences of the past and learning from those they came into contact with. Our ancestors have done this many times and would teach us how to live together if we would only listen. Instead we bicker over nonsense while our real culture, our country and our way of life is steadily destroyed.

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