Friday, June 04, 2010

Jon Barela on the Bob Clark Show

With Susana Martinez winning the Republican primary for Governor here in New Mexico and a whole slate of at least conservative-ish candidates ready to go I began to contemplate campaign contributions and any other such things that I might do in support. I was glad to see that Martinez won so easily but was a little disheartened that Weh did so well and that Doug Turner could only muster about ten percent of the vote. Turner was, to me, tied with Martinez as a quality candidate. Anyway, I mentioned that because I was thinking to myself this morning listening to Jon Barela, GOP congressional candidate, on the radio that Turner would’ve made a fantastic congressional candidate.

I thought of this for two reasons. First, I believe that Turner’s gubernatorial bid was doomed by a lack of political experience. And while he is a successful businessman, it’s in PR, not exactly the type that foretells success in executive office. So, it just didn’t matter that he had a detailed understanding of the issues, a feasible plan for governance and an unmatched penchant for rhetoric. Too bad. I think Turner’s qualities and relevant experience would translate very well to a congressman.

Barela has a lot of experience so he is a resume filling candidate. And his opponent Martin Heinrich is not a very good representative, which helps. Listening to Barela though is mostly just blah. He talks and talks and has very long winded answers to questions but never seems to really answer any. He really lost me this morning when he started to discuss the recent Arizona immigration related law. He is not a supporter and to me, just wasn’t able to explain his position beyond Karl Rove doesn’t support it, it will shift Arizona's immigration problems to New Mexico and that Police officers aren’t qualified to determine immigration status.

These are very poor reasons. Lets tackle them from the bottom up. How hard is it to notice that a stopped person doesn’t have valid ID, registration and insurance and can’t explain (for whatever reason) what they’re doing in the US and for how long? His middle excuse is probably valid and should be a concern, but blaming Arizona for protecting themselves without taking responsiblity for what New Mexico can do is simple minded. Finally, Karl Rove is a political operative and he is focused on the mechanics of winning elections and believes that supporting the Arizona law alienates Hispanic voters (I think he’s wrong).

So, Jon Barela will get my vote. But mostly because he’s running against Martin Heinrich. Barela ran unopposed in the primary and when I think about Doug Turner running his first campaign for freaking governor in a crowded field, I admire him, but also can’t help but think about what might have been.

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