Monday, April 23, 2007


The more I review the field of 08 candidates, one of these gentlemen so far would receive my vote for president. As time comes closer, primaries approaching, people dropping out, one not even making his official announcement yet, best chances of legitimately capturing ticket, etc. it really looks like Romney is gonna get my nod unless if something changes. Of course, we're probably gonna hear Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, so my point is probably moot...but these four gentlemen for me personally are the closest definitions of conservative you can get. Unfortunately though, these gentlemen don't have the name value (particularly Hunter and Brownback. Romney is picking up steam) to face the Clintons, Obamas, and Edwardss.

I WOULD throw in Newt Gingrich in the conservative mix, but Gingrich has proven time and time again to not being able to match up to the liberals. Historically, everytime this guy gets confronted by Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, or any other prominent liberal, Gingrich goes down in flames. And just recently Gingrich had a lovefest with John Kerry over global warming (that wasn't a debate. How many times did these guys agree with each other). Gingrich recently was at a women's conservative conference explaining the farce of global warming and it's just mere weeks later where now he thinks it's a major issue deserving of attention.

Very underrated candidate to me would be the other Thompson: Tommy. And if Jeb Bush would me, of all the Bushes (including George Sr), he is the most qualified Bush of them all. Unfortunately, I think this country is getting a little tired of the Bush mantra. Since 1980, we've had some sort of Bush in office - nationally and gubernatorialy (sp).

I wouldn't mind supporting Tom Tancredo, but the only problem here is he seems to hinge upon the immigration issue and that issue only. You need a broader base of issues

Bill Frist dropped out, so he's off my radar.

Chuck Hagel would be fine with me if he's not so anti-military

So, in order so far and relying solely on issues perspective, I like 1) Hunter...2) Brownback...3) Romney...4) F Thompson

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