Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Global Warming as National Security

From the "How to make our country materially less safe" file. A "bipartisan" bill would direct the Pentagon and CIA to treat global warming as a security issue and conduct wargames, analysis, etc. The reason the Pentagon might conduct wargames for something like the invasion of the mainland US is that they could do something about it, namely send hot lead (or depleated uranium) and high explosives at the badguys. What are the Pentagon and CIA going to do against the environment? This is not their proper function! Passing a bill like this is akin to doing our enemys' work for them. Any personel/resources assigned to this task would not be doing their assumed previous task of protecting our country from its enemies. If Congress insists on some sort of global warming impact/readiness plan, a much better way to go about it would be to create funding for the scientific community. For that matter, just about any scheme for accomplishing that goal would be better than derailing our national defense.

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