Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Well Known Tidbit..

..about hiking minimum wages. Too bad it's coming here...


vetes said...

What's amazing is how well known it is. Also what's amazing is the absurd arguments posted by advocates to raising the minimum wage. It's like they live in this world of make believe where forcing such an idiotic premise could make everything better regardless the knowledge that it can only make things worse. Makes me all grumpy and such. Bring on the $8 big macs and increase in unemployment!

LtCarp said...

From what I heard, Gov Richardson has been vetoing several bills since the hike isn't "high enough."

I want to be egotistical for a second and say unemployment is gonna rise thanks to this. High prices for near everything as well. This is going to happen, and it's just fact. You can't disagree with fact. Good going Governor. More reasons why I was the minority that never voted for your ass.

We don't live in Japan where everything is expensive (only because everyone normally has a higher income compared to the US, so it compensates).

TimDido said...

What's well known? That the magic tooth fairy-santa claus waves her magic minimum wage wand and makes us all able to afford baby formula?