Monday, July 09, 2012

More "Fair" Claptrap

In silly, over-the-top, disconnected from reality overtly political statements for the day the President of the United States of America makes his pitch for raising tax rates on families with incomes more than $250,000 per year:

Taking the President’s words as literal, in his apparent understanding, Americans are supposed to think that because he supports raising taxes on a minority segment of the population, that those who do not think that raising anyone’s tax rates is economically sound are taking the rest of the population hostage because he will not support legislation maintaining all current tax rates. Seems a bit like projection.

The much derided “Bush” tax cuts of the early 2000’s are, as they have during President Obama’s entire misguided presidency, the object of much deranged scrutiny. Never mind that they have been the tax rates for nearly 10 years, actually resulted in increases in revenue collected year to year and maintained a progressive rate of taxation by income level (higher rates on higher income), these tax rates haunt political discussion like some kind of chupacabra of the fevered liberal mind.

The President was once asked if he would seek these kinds of increases even if they led to decreased revenue generation and he answered in the affirmative, under the auspices of “fairness”. Fairness being a word whose definition has been twisted to the point of being basically meaningless because it seems to mean anything to anyone. The plea to the majority is further discouraging because it illustrates a problem with direct democracy, don’t the minority of taxpayers deserve some kind of protection from confiscatory tax rates enabled by a majority? To some, there is no tax rate too high on and no problem that cannot be solved with other people’s money. How it is considered “fair” for one erstwhile “free” citizen to pay so much more, as a percentage of their lawfully earned gains, of the government’s activities than others is going to be a determining factor in this year’s election. Those who can conceive this as “fair” should not be surprised as the population of chupacabras shrinks; one wonders who or what they’ll blame next.

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