Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Random Thoughts - 5/17

And Trump is out, but was he even in? Following reports based on statements from NBC executives that were telling anyone who would listen that if Donald Trump ran for president, his television show The Apprentice would continue with a different blowhard at the helm the Donald dropped his exploration of a discussion of a presidential campaign. Fortuitous news, as the only usefulness of a Trump campaign would be for democrats. Good riddance, even though he was never even actually a candidate.

And Newt Gingrich, with his ever expanding explanations about his agreements and disagreements with House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget apparently in an attempt to who knows what, has seemingly taken himself out of contention. Newt is often billed as an intellectual and as with others labeled similarly, drowned himself in words attempting to sound intelligent while finding a way to alienate everyone who might actually vote for him.

NFL owners were granted a permanent stay in regard to the supposedly un-appealable judgment against the lock-out. If you find yourself disappointed, that’s understandable as it means that there is still no football. If you find yourself surprised, you should learn more about the law. It ain’t pleasant but the NFL lockout is about a dispute between an employer and a union representing its employees. A clever union PR campaign influencing a federal judge can’t just make up rules.

So, what to think about the latest pay-to-play allegations regarding former governor Bill Richardson? It’s early and time will tell if they stick. No one can be surprised as life-long politicians such as Richardson often act in ways that demonstrate a casual disregard for the law. It also demonstrates that New Mexico Attorney General Gary King is simply a democrat hack who will ignore serious allegations so long as the accused is of similar persuasion. This being New Mexico, King could probably still win re-election tomorrow. Sigh.

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