Friday, April 22, 2011

Kumbaya on the PTC?

I regret nothing. Even though it took a wedge between TimDido and I to get a post out of dyvaeh, I was ecstatic to read that post as the PTC community is home to very good writers and anything written by D is very much worth the time. Also, kudos goes to Mrs. D for reading and for alerting D to what I consider a mostly harmless spat. Mostly harmless because in the end it isn’t all that substantial as TimDido and I agree on most every political issue. I’ve never thought of any disagreement and subsequent discussion to be harmful even with those who’s incoherent and unintelligible belligerence make one contemplate vigorously shaking them. TimDido is certainly not one of those people.

The danger in ever really believing in something is falling into the trap of sounding like a smug a-hole when discussing it, even amongst true believers. Another inevitable trap is misinterpretation leading to mischaracterization, telling another person what they believe based on that misinterpretation. Of course, I may be over-thinking that. It may be that I can be incomprehensible at times. I did get all C’s in English after all.

Whatever the reason, healthy debate can be good. I’m against the legalization of pot and I cannot think of a plausible change that could convince me otherwise. I still believe that pot-heads are the most honest proponents of legalization and I do not believe that all proponents of it are pot-heads. I do respect the straight-libertarian argument of personal freedom but find it unconvincing.

I agree wholeheartedly with D that government regulations and wealth distribution are the source of all earthly problems. Half of adults in this country pay nothing in taxes, most of them receive direct “benefits” from the taxes paid by others. They have no idea that those “benefits” have a real actual cost and that their friends and neighbors are the ones who pay it. They have become the controlling voting bloc in this country. Never mind that there isn’t enough already and that fact just provides a reason for further “investment” by fairy-tale pedaling incompetents like you know who. But I digress. I love you guys.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just to geek out on a common pot statement: mj is a gateway drug. This may be true, or it may be nothing more than an inability to comprehend statistics. Just because almost all "hard" drug users at some point smoked pot does not mean that almost all pot smokers will become hard drug users. A implies B does _not_ mean B implies A. Anywho, no party even brought up the gateway argument until now, don't mean to imply (heh heh) that someone did.

On a more serious note, the related personal experience regarding pot destroying communities is the strongest (imho) argument against legalization. Not having a personal community level story, I fall back to the Chinese and opium. It is generally accepted that opium destroyed a generation of China's most promising youth. "Destroyed a generation" is awfully vague, it would also be true to say that opium enabled the downfall of imperial China (an empire which had lasted thousands of years). Wait, says my chair, we're talking about pot not opium. Yeah, but I'm sure opium-heads would make similar arguments about opium as would pot-heads about their drug of choice. E.g. it's just a plant. Meh, enough rambling for now, happy resurrection day.