Friday, August 29, 2008


so McCain chose Palin. And of course right off the bat Obama blasted the McCain campaign. Saying "zero" experience. Good job Obama. In 1.5 years as governor (executive), she was responsible for at least 20 conservative bills passing and you Obama, was just some Senator with the only accomplishment of running for President and you did good enough where a bunch of fools fell for you. How do you preach "change" Obama when you decided to pick some DC crony with an extreme-left background. I just don't know how he's gonna win in November. We've never had a liberal win in the modern age (JFK, Carter, Clinton ran moderate campaigns and LBJ got in because people thought he was gonna follow JFK). Why now? She won in a state defeating Murkowski AND Knowles in one year - these are 2 out of the 3 most popular politicians in Alaska. Obama won in an already-liberal state beating an outsider.

Palin is an awesome choice. She was in my 5 fave: Palin, Bobby Jindal, Mitt Romney, Condi Rice, and KB Hutchison. Mike Huckabee and Tim Pawlenty wouldn't be too bad, although the only ones that would've really excited me are Palin, Jindal, and Rice (and she ain't running). McCain is thinking long term. If he becomes President, surely Palin will be the 2012 frontrunner and you know who she's going up against in 2012: Hillary. You know Obama/Biden behind closed doors were laughing a storm and everyone is laughing everytime they talk debate of Biden vs Palin. The double image is already showing up all over the MSM. I've studied politics to know Palin is not a rookie and I think Biden is overlooking her. All Biden is good at are one-liners and yelling. How are people so confident he'll "crush her" when he can't even get 1% of the vote during the Primaries? If anything, this should hopefully fire up the conservative and Christian base. After all, they're really the largest voting block. Just have to get them out.

Just gotta love Obama's speech last night. How are you going to "pay for every dime" of his spending and tax cuts when he's gonna blast us and small businesses? The country will be in even a bigger deficit next year with his plans. Then he had the gall to blast McCain about Iraq and Afghanistan where McCain had the right strategy from day one (and Obama of course voted against any war resource increase). Sure, Obama keeps saying the rhetoric of cutting taxes for 95% working families (define working Obama), but Clinton said the same thing in 92 and ended up to this day raising taxes to its highest levels in history. Furthermore, Obama decided to use the "$5 million" joke McCain used in a serious fashion. McCain bluntly said tax cuts for everyone. Then Obama lied about McCain's health care plan in that it would raise taxes where in reality it would give tax credits for families. And yes, McCain voted 90 or 95% of the time with Bush, but Obama likewise did so with Democrats, so what the hell is your point? Finally, he said he will bring change to DC. How when you're following the same 60s Socialist policies and you picked Biden as your VP? And zero mention of how he will not confront Iran, how Hamas is almost endorsing him, and how he's pretty much gonna screw every business out there.

Although on a comical side, Palin looks like the teacher from Varsity Blues


TimDido said...

Sorry, but I think this pick is close to garbage. I like her, but this pick for VEEP smacks of tokenism. McCain called Obama's blackness with Palin's chick-ness (although, it is some pretty hot chick-ness - definite VPILF).

She does have more executive experience than those three bozos, at least.

I gotta say, this election seriously sucks. No matter what, we're getting a craptacular Senator for President, and Senators almost always make crappy Presidents because they are bloviators and consensus-builders, not leaders.

I'm glad I care more for the NFL now than for politics. I'm voting for McCain in November, but pretty much only because he won't bend over and take it from the Russians like Obama would. Plus, 60 Dem senators and Obama nominating SCOTUS justices seriously scares me.

LtCarp said...

I'm pretty excited football (college and pro) is finally here as well. Never cared too much for basketball and baseball.

So if not Palin, who would you rather see? I think you liked Rice. Again, I wanted either Palin, Jindal, or Rice. Romney, Hutchison, and Huckabee is not bad either, but not something I would've got excited over.

Not that I want Obama choosing Supreme Court Justices, but I think we're safe anyways the next 4 years...although Justice Stevens is almost 90.

TimDido said...

Honestly, I'd rather have seen Rice as the nominee, especially in light of what's going on with Russia. But, we're stuck with McCain. Anyway, Rice or someone safe like Fred Thompson. The VP is supposed to be someone with the ability to step in and become President at a moment's notice, and that's it - not get votes or get training on the job. Selecting Palin effectively neutralizes criticism of Obama as an empty suit.

Obama's selection of Biden looks like GWB's selection of Cheney.

To go off on a tangent here, Glenn Reynolds had alluded to Cheney sort of taking the VP role into the unconstitutional realm. I kinda like Cheney, but this gives me pause. GWB did allow Cheney a whole lot more power than what was traditionally allowed, and changed that office somewhat. I don't know if I agree with that.

LtCarp said...

I think McCain was getting away from "DC" or people associated with him. In the modern age, we're seriously looking at the first "ordinary" pick ever (even including Bush Jr because of his "name"). Picking Romney, Huckabee, Thompson, etc. can develop some fodder for Democrats since they battled in the Primaries. Not saying Palin hasn't as really no matter who he picked the Democrats were ready to attack.

Palin has battled with people in her own party several times which is something that opens McCain's maverick eyes. Plus I think Palin's husband is not a Republican. But the bottom line still is she's really the most conservative person that's in the Pres/VP race now.

Speaking of Russia, I think 2009 we're gonna see a lot of Russia and Iran pop up more, which is why I fear Obama leading us. Maybe McCain is gonna keep Rice around in the cabinet. In fact, he should.

Many people are picking on Palin for lack of experience, but fact remains she's been a Governor and passed 20+ bills while being only in office for 1.5 years. That's more than what Obama can claim as Senators really just tag along with some legislation or be part of committees.