Thursday, October 12, 2006

Daily Nazi Comparison

So, here's today's comparison of conservatives to Nazis:

Global Warming Skeptics Should Have Nuremburg Style Trials

Actually, I don't even know if global warming skeptics are conservatives, but it certainly is more likely. I think it's just plain good science to be skeptical. One of the first things you are taught as an engineer is the danger of extrapolation. Heck, you can extrapolate anything and make it look bad, or good.

I'm sick of hearing people around me talk about Algore's "An Inconvenient Truth" as if it were gospel. Is it an "inconvenient truth" that this year's hurricane season is decidedly less damaging and lethal as last year's, in spite of the fact that more and more CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere? Well, they've still got a month left in hurricane season, so I bet they've got their fingers crossed, hoping a big one hits Manhattan...


vetes said...

Wow, that's all I can really say about that. It is incomprehensible the simplemindedness of putting Global Warming skeptics on trial. I cannot even believe that someone would even think of this seriously. Whatever, this spittle will no doubt continue and false accusations will continue from the tin foil hat gallery.

Engicon said...

What really makes me sick about this garbage is that the rhetoric leathally handicaps the science. What I mean is that with all the hard line polarization of climate science in the media, an average citizen stands almost no chance of figuring out the truth. All in all, i really don't mind erring on the side of caution when it comes to environmental policy (so long as we don't economically slit our throats before we can develop the technologies to fix our potential problems). It just bugs me that we are cautious not as a considered response but because the public is panicked by howling moonbats.