Sunday, March 20, 2005

Does George W. Bush Read?

Why am I posting this? Because I got into an argument with a Mass. liberal (one of my classmates) on the way to Maine. We were passing by New Haven and he commented on its most famous alum, and how they should be ashamed that they produced such a stupid man. "He's obviously dyslexic, and that has to impact his reading ability. He's clearly not that intelligent. I bet he 'reads' books on tape!" Those were his arguments - he was seconds away from a declaration of "mildly retarded". Anyway, according to this article (and to anyone with common sense) the answer is yes, the President reads, and he reads books of much import. Another interesting part I found out in this article is that Woodrow Wilson (famous Democrat Pres., PhD, and Princeton alum) was dyslexic as well. Sorta skewers the whole 'dyslexic=stupid' theory.

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