Friday, May 14, 2010

My two cents on an “Events Center”

So, the city of Albuquerque is soliciting comments on a new events center in downtown Albuquerque on which the city (read: MARTIN CHAVEZ) has been talking about for several years. I will dutifully add my comments as soon as possible.

First. Why? With the existence of The Pit, Hard Rock Pavilion and a rather large convention center in town and Santa Ana Star center only twenty dusty, middle of freaking nowhere miles away, why does Albuquerque need an “Events Center”?

Second. In conclusion; no. No. No. It makes no sense. There is no need for an “Events Center” considering existing facilities. It will be nothing more than a drag on the city’s already stretched finances. Some people want it to be privately owned. What private entity would own such an albatross? It is a horrible idea and any reference to it should be banned from city proceedings henceforth.

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