Friday, January 28, 2005

Give me a break

Seriously, can anybody with an r next to their name get a break. From something I read this morning;
Vice President Dick Cheney's utilitarian hooded parka and boots stood out amid the solemn formality of a ceremony commemorating the liberation of Nazi death camps, raising eyebrows among the fashion-conscious.
It's COLD in Poland, very much so and our Vice President is not exactly a spring chicken. Ugh, I hate this kind of stuff.


Engicon said...

Maybe the commenters would have been happier if Cheney had worn some $1500 Armani wool overcoat. After all, what could be more important than supporting the evil corporate stranglehold on the world?

vetes said...

The thing that really bothers me about the whole thing is that the hand-wringers charge Vice President Cheney for being disrespectful of the memory of Auschwitz but at the same time give themselves a pass for talking about fasion of all things on this solemn date. It's sad, really.