Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Obamacare, maybe not so fast

Democrat senators have been hectoring new Republican House Speaker Boehner into not pursuing a repeal of Obamacare, known in newspeak as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. There are rumblings that the White House is unhappy with the legislation being called Obamacare. The White House has purchased the term Obamacare within Google in order to inform, or propagandize, the public in regard to it. Democrat members of congress have already begun touting benefits of Obamacare that have not yet been put into affect nor proven to be effective while accusing Republicans of taking away the health care of American citizens. The House of Representatives, led by a new Republican majority, has scheduled a vote on outright repeal of Obamacare for January 12th.

Some senators have described the repeal as politics. This is because it does not have enough support in the democrat controlled senate to pass nor will the President sign it. Supporters of the repeal describe it as symbolic. This is because while it will not be successful, it will be an attempt at doing something that is supported by many people who helped swing 63 seats towards the Republicans in the House in the November midterm elections. In this case political and symbolic motivations happen to be synonymous.

In national polls Obamacare has proven to be trending towards unpopular and it’s reasonable to assume that it will continue that way which would explain the PR blitz and antagonizing behavior emerging from the democrats. Their talking points explain the unpopularity of the legislation as the success of Republican PR deceit, a laughable and delusional assertion to anyone familiar with reality.

Obamacare was passed on a party line vote, features payouts to constituencies favored by democrats and makes doing business difficult for those disfavored by democrats. The legislation itself is roughly 2700 pages long but is mostly an outline deferring actual rules and regulations that have yet to be completed to bureaucrats in multiple federal agencies. It’s frightening to imagine just how long the legislation will be when all its rules and regulations are complete. The legislation features a plethora of unrealistic accounting tricks in order to make it appear to cost less than possible over the next ten years making it completely unsustainable after the first rigged time period. It features an individual mandate forcing citizens of this country to purchase a commercial product, health insurance, and is described as providing health care because of it.

It seems as though every week another nugget from deep within the bowels of Obamacare is unearthed to public scrutiny resulting in backlash. This should not be surprising as the legislation went famously unread by most of congress. No matter the purported benefits of the law the consequences of making it work is completely unknowable because almost all of Obamacare has yet to be enacted or even written or the mechanisms needed to make it work defined. It was an atrocious piece of legislation and should be scrapped. The new House of Representatives is on the right track in attempting to repeal it and it is in the country’s best interest for it to vote to repeal as often as possible, if only to keep Obamacare in the public consciousness for the next two years so that after the next election it can be taken out.

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