Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Grüezi Mitenand!

is Swiss German for "Greetings, everyone". A lot has happened between the last time I posted and now, both in the realm of national/state/local politics and for me personally. As the 5 people who read this blog know, I moved to Switzerland a year ago, so I can blog with a bit of a Euro slant on American politics. Sometime I'll blog about how my views have changed or not, but for now - let's talk about what just happened.

[Keep in mind that the above was written right after the election, I am a lazy ass and didn't finish.]

Hello gridlock! I love it. When politicians are pissing on each other in DC, then they aren't pissing on us. The encroachment upon our individual liberties grinds to a halt when the wrench of gridlock is thrown into the machine of Leviathan. What remains to be seen is if Obama can adjust like Clinton did. I'm not holding my breath. Obama is a genuine douchebag with a superiority complex. You can see it in how he reacts to criticism.

Speaking of Clinton, I suddenly found myself missing the ol' boy. We hated him, but honestly - he was a consummate politician, so he did some good stuff. The semblance of fiscal responsibility that Newt & Co. foisted upon him was nice, and we need it again.

Anyway, I'll try and keep up with things here so Vetes isn't the only lonely poster.

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