Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What's Really Important

I've often considered the priorities of Gov Richardson to be smoke and mirrors, mostly image and not all that much concerned with issues in the state. From the braggadocious commercials detailing the recent film exploits of New Mexico (without mentioning the huge tax breaks for filmmakers or the fact the state has to pose as some other locale) to his enormous entourage at public events and insistence on being treated as a kind of royalty (Yes, the Governor of New Mexico has a list of demands when he graciously makes an appearance much like Brittany Spears or Madonna).

I've always considered Richardson to be nothing more than a politician, a very good one, but nothing more. Harsh, perhaps but the evidence is there and always has been. Now that the governor's race is over, many expect Richardson to focus on an 08 Presidential run and his statements on a recent poll give me no reason to think any different about his priorities...
Richardson said he's honored that a majority of voters consider him good presidential material. He said New Mexicans are proud when a local leader gets national attention and brings more visibility to the state.
Because apparently, what's important is New Mexico's visibility. Maybe Richardson's networking skills and visibility will get New Mexico a date with California. Now that's hot.


Engicon said...

If we're destined for a D in '08 (and I'm not convinced we are) Richardson seems like one of the better choices. That might change as soon as he starts trying to court the Democratic base. For now though, nothing causes me to fear him as president. Seems like he'd be in line _behind_ Hillary, Kerry, and Obama. At least he would be one of the serious members of the primary debate, as opposed to the comic relief...

TimDido said...

Yeah, I hear that a lot from folks in NM. Even my sister, who is as hardcore a Republican as you can find, actually voted for him over Dendahl.

If he is a *genuine* person motivated by his convictions and not just changing his stripes for the state he represents, than he wouldn't be a bad pick. But judging from other primary candidates, he'd have to change his stripes big time.