Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The American Soldier Unmasked...

If John Kerry would have said this during the election cycle, maybe his base would have been more fired up...

What an a**hole... At least Dean's just a mental case.


vetes said...

The most ridiculous part is the hateful things Kerry spokesmen have said in response to Rush and the RNC simply qouting the blowhard in this instance.

Muztan said...

Hah! From your link in the Democratic Daily:

As anyone who has any understanding of the English language would realize, saying it would be terrorizing to kids to have American soldiers come into their home at night is both true and in no way calling the soldiers terrorists. “Terrorizing” and “terrorists” are very similar words, but do not necessarily mean the same thing. The context makes the distinction quite clear.

Either these right wingers are unable to read and understand a simple sentence or they are liars. Perhaps both.

That's about as good as "It depends on what your definition of is is..."