Friday, June 03, 2005


More analysis on why thugocracies are bad. Money quote:
"Mugabe is the poor man's Pol Pot. And like Pol Pot, he is getting help and support from people in the West who will later pretend not to know what was going on."

I'm not sure whether I agree with Glenn's solution or not. I can't think of any better solution at this point. It's just that there is something unsettling about the sequence. Western world withdraws "benevolent" rule of country. Thugocracy takes over and burnonates the countryside. Western world gives guns to locals in hopes they will solve their own problems.

I've only thought a little about the problem, but I don't think just airdropping Glocks is the best solutions. I'm thinking that if we're going to do anything of the sort, we should give the people guns, training in use of the guns, and as much if not more training in classically liberal ideology. The hope being that if the people do get control of their country, they will be able to do something useful with it. Also, they would hopefully be less likely to later try and kill us with the skills we gave them.

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